Halal Products is Universal Needs

23 Desember 2016
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Category: News
23 Desember 2016, Comments: 0


MALANGVOICE – The rapid development of halal market has not yet made the government implement the mandate of Law No. 33 of 2014 on Halal Product Guarantee (UU JPH). This was said by the Chairman of Halal Quilified Industry Development Universitas Brawijaya, Dr. Sucipto.

“Until now, the government has not made implementing regulations (PP) as a derivative rule of the Act. As the largest Muslim country in the world, Indonesia is also a part of that market. Must move quickly, “said the man who is often called Cip.

Today, more and more people are increasingly critical and begin to understand the needs of halal products. Countries such as Korea and China have even asked MUI to be a pilot to apply halal certification in their country.

He added that other countries are interested to import halal products from Indonesia. Halal products in Indonesia are also in demand by people in non-Muslim majority countries. Of course, the terms of the product is worth exporting is to have a halal certificate.

“Must understand too, if Indonesia is not rushed. This halal industry can be controlled by foreign countries. You see, they have targeted Indonesia as the industrial market of their halal products, “he said.

Based on data from LPPOM MUI, from 2010 to 2015, LPPOM MUI has issued halal certification for 309,115 companies, while the product reaches about 33,905 halal certification.

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23 Desember 2016
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Category: Berita
23 Desember 2016, Comments: 0


MALANGVOICE – Pesatnya perkembangan pasar halal belum juga membuat pemerintah melaksanakan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 33 Tahun 2014 tentang Jaminan Produk Halal (UU JPH). Hal itu dikatakan Ketua Halal Quilified Industry Development Universitas Brawijaya, Dr Sucipto.

“Hingga kini, pemerintah belum membuat peraturan pelaksana (PP) sebagai aturan turunan dari UU tersebut. Sebagai negara Muslim terbesar di dunia, Indonesia pun menjadi bagian dari pasar tersebut. Harus gerak cepat,” tandas pria yang sering disapa Cip ini.

Sekarang ini, semakin banyak orang semakin kritis dan mulai mengerti kebutuhan produk-produk halal. Negara seperti Korea dan Cina bahkan sempat meminta MUI untuk menjadi percontohan supaya diterapkan sertifikasi halal di negara mereka.

Dia menambahkan, negara lain tertarik untuk mengimpor produk-produk halal dari Indonesia. Produk-produk halal di Indonesia juga diminati oleh orang-orang di negara yang mayoritas penduduknya non-Muslim. Tentu, syarat produk itu layak diekspor adalah memiliki sertifikat halal.

“Harus paham juga, kalau Indonesia tidak bergegas. Industri halal ini bisa dikuasai negara asing. Soalnya, mereka sudah menarget Indonesia sebagai pasar industri produk halal mereka,” katanya.

Berdasarkan data dari LPPOM MUI, sejak 2010 hingga 2015, LPPOM MUI telah mengeluarkan sertifikasi halal untuk 309.115 perusahaan, sementara produk mencapai sekitar 33.905 sertifikasi halal.

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